Facing the Sea
Lightkeepers and Their Families

In Facing the Sea, authors Harold Chubbs and Wade Kearley have captured an important era in the maritime history of Newfoundland and Labrador. These tales of rescue and tragedy, of love lost and redeemed, describe first-hand what life was like for lightkeepers and their families in twenty-five light stations along the exposed and often inhospitable coast of Newfoundland and Labrador. Most of these stories are told here for the first time in print, and each story is rich with new details and insights from the perspective of these remarkable men and women.
Instead of the usual lighthouse histories (which I have read many times), these were stories of the families who faced the sea each day, living in lighthouses in very remote parts of our province. It was so intriguing to read their stories of rescue and stormy weather and day-to-day isolation.-- Edwards Book Club --
The members of the Canadian Coast Guard Alumni Association (Newfoundland Division) are to be commended for their efforts in preserving these first-hand accounts by a disappearing breed of everyday heroes.-- Northern Mariner --
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