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A Winter's Tale

The Wreck of the Florizel

A Winter's Tale

Flanker Press


16.95 CAD

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It was a snowy, stormy night, that February 23, 1918, when the sturdy S.S. Florizelsteamed out of St. John's harbour, bound for Halifax and New York. Captain William Martin, a cautious and competent skipper, encountered thick ice and heavy winds as he headed down the treacherous Newfoundland coast. But these circumstances did not account for the ship's slow speed. Just before dawn, over nine hours after leaving port, Captain Martin ran his ship full steam onto the rocks just north of Cape Race. But that was only the beginning of a long and gruelling drama. As the ship slowly disintegrated, the passengers and crew desperately tried to save themselves. Men, women, and children were washed overboard, or killed from exposure, or fatally trapped below deck. From the shore helpless fishermen watched in horror. Twenty-seven hours after striking the reef the daring rescue took place. Of the 138 on board, seventeen passengers and twenty-seven crew members survived. In A Winter's Tale Cassie Brown retells in chilling detail the story of the wreck, the rescue, and the enquiry that followed. And she proposes, for the first time, the real reason for this senseless disaster.

Cassie Brown has the instincts of a true raconteur and the rare ability to allow a good story to unfold without stridently intruding her own views into it.-- The Globe and Mail --
A Winter's Tale will go down in history as one of the great contributions to Newfoundland literature...captures the tragedy and despair of the ordeal...-- The Telegram --
…all the elements of a thriller; suspense, disaster, mystery, and death…Cassie Brown unravels this yarn with the vividness of a folklorist recreating local history.-- Books in Canada --
A tale of shipwreck to rival that of the Titanic in excitement and suspense.-- Quill and Quire --

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Now located in Paradise, Flanker Press has grown from a part-time venture in 1994 to a business with eight full-time employees. In the fall of 2004, Flanker Press launched a new imprint, Pennywell Books. This imprint includes literary fiction, short stories, young adult fiction, and children’s books.

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