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Poppa and the Sacred Kitpu

Poppa and the Sacred Kitpu

Flanker Press


18.95 CAD

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After being invited to his grandson’s school to share his wisdom and knowledge of his traditional Mi’kmaw culture, Poppa is happy to return as a respected Indigenous Elder and Knowledge Keeper. Now we find Poppa giving his next gin’masuti—lesson in our culture—to his grandson, François, and his friends Paul and Joe.

While spending the afternoon with Poppa, the boys get to learn about the Sacred Kitpu—the bald eagle—and why it’s so important. Poppa engages the children with eager imaginings of how the Sacred Kitpu is not only a powerful spirit guide but also represents the Spirit of the Creator among us. It is the messenger between Mother Earth and the Spirit World, whispering to the Creator our prayers, touching the face of the Creator with its wing.

Poppa teaches the children through mystic wonder how we use the Sacred Kitpu feather in many different cultural ceremonies. He embraces their eagerness to learn and shares the tradition of smudging—using the Kitpu feather, along with Sacred Medicines that burn in a smudge bowl to purify our body, mind, and spirit. The children delight in discovering the importance the Sacred Kitpu plays in MI’kmaw culture and heritage

It definitely falls in the category of "educational"—I learned a little about both Mi'kmaw language and traditions. It's also great fun, as three young boys listen to Poppa's explanation of the kitpu (eagle) and its significance in Mi'kmaw culture. Doucette doesn't shy away from the bad years of the Silent Generation, but she offers hope and encouragement to youth. Rebecca Reid's illustrations are equally optimistic, simply capturing the emotional high points of the story"-- Jean Graham, Northeast Avalon Times --
The illustrations are a nifty variety of direct images from the narrative and "close-ups" or interpretations of symbols and events; there's lots of breath in their lines and tones-- Joan Sullivan -- The Telegram --

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