Place Names of Newfoundland and Labrador

Explore the hidden stories, strange origins, and fascinating histories of Newfoundland and Labrador's place names, from Dildo to Dover and Nain to Nipper’s Harbour. On your journey you might learn how to cure gout in the stomach, raise a glass at The King of Clubs, and rub elbows with charcoal burners, heartbreakers, and the wife of Mad King George. You might even find the best spot to have a baby while paddling a canoe.
In the thousands of years that people have inhabited and visited Newfoundland and Labrador, Indigenous peoples, Basque whale hunters, French explorers, and Devon merchants have all left their mark on the map. But do you know which town father was a possible murder victim? Or which outport got its name from a stranger who showed up wearing three jackets? Or the community called after the patron saint of comedians?
Place Names of Newfoundland and Labrador is an entertaining and at times cheeky look at the towns we love and why we call them what we do.
Place Names of Newfoundland and Labrador - fun and informative; Fun to read and you will learn a lot!-- Joan Sullivan - The Telegram --
With his unique conversational style and humorous observations Dale Jarvis’ “Place Names of Newfoundland and Labrador” is a fun and informative read. This book takes a deep dive into the meaning behind some of our most colorful provincial place names and just how they came to be. Newfoundland and Labrador has, without a doubt, some very unique small towns. Who hasn’t heard of Dildo, right? How these names came to be may be as simple as the surname of a family that first settled there or it may be more complex, amusing and or involve the supernatural. This was a very easy and enjoyable read. Jarvis makes you feel like you aren’t simply reading a book, but like he is telling you the story himself. This is an absolute must read for those who would love to know more about the province and it’s vibrant history.-- Nicole Little - Review @ No Shelf Control --
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