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The Grand Banks

A Pictorial History

The Grand Banks

Flanker Press


5.00 CAD

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“It was the wild west, as all fished in a totally unregulated way in a free-for-all.” For centuries, fishermen the world over have been prosecuting the waters teeming with cod from the Grand Banks of Newfoundland and Labrador. The growing demand for fish in world markets, the inexorable march of technology, and the failure of international governments to limit the harvest from the sea have each played a part in turning this industry into a thin shadow of its once great majesty. With more than 500 photos of foreign and domestic vessels, crews, ports, shipyards, and modes of processing fish at sea aboard ships that were part of Newfoundland and Labrador's collective history, The Grand Banks is a full and impartial history of the magnitude of this fishing effort.

The story of the Grand Banks is a fascinating one. This book should be used as a reference in high schools and colleges all across Canada in order that young people everywhere may have a more balanced understanding of our country\'s history.-- PEI Guardian --
If you want to know what happened to the fish on the Grand Banks, never mind the scientific studies and government reports; just read this book.-- The Northern Mariner --

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Flanker Press is a bright spark in the Newfoundland and Labrador publishing scene. As the province’s most active publisher of trade books, the company now averages twenty new titles per year, with a heavy emphasis on regional non-fiction and historical fiction.

The mission of Flanker Press is to provide a quality publishing service to the local and regional writing community and to actively promote its authors and their books in Canada and abroad.

Now located in Paradise, Flanker Press has grown from a part-time venture in 1994 to a business with eight full-time employees. In the fall of 2004, Flanker Press launched a new imprint, Pennywell Books. This imprint includes literary fiction, short stories, young adult fiction, and children’s books.

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We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Book Fund (CBF) and the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Department of Tourism, Culture and Recreation for our publishing activities.

We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, which last year invested $157 million to bring the arts to Canadians throughout the country. Nous remercions le Conseil des arts du Canada de son soutien. L’an dernier, le Conseil a investi 157 millions de dollars pour mettre de l’art dans la vie des Canadiennes et des Canadiens de tout le pays.