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Pea Soup for the Newfoundland Soul

Pea Soup for the Newfoundland Soul

Flanker Press


19.95 CAD

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You won’t know what’s in Newfoundland pea soup until the host starts dishing it out. It may have bits of turnip, potato, carrot, ham bones, chunks of salt beef, or dumplings—along with split yellow peas. If unexpected guests arrive, simply add a bit more water. Grandpa Pike’s Pea Soup for the Newfoundland Soul is like that. “I guarantee you will find a good portion of ham,” says the author—his tongue planted firmly in his cheek.

These are short pieces—easy reads, suitable for reading while waiting for your flight, or after the kids are in bed and you finally have the bathroom to yourself, or while in a two-mile-long lineup for the Port aux Basques ferry during a three-day windstorm. Get comfortable, lean back, and then go hitchhiking with Grandpa in the 1960s, when he got a ride from a lady preacher, a trucker, and a guy in a red Corvette on his way to Mexico.

Read about his encounter with “the man from Glad,” his worst job interview, his failed attempt at a leveraged buyout of the Bank of Nova Scotia, and about the youngsters sitting at the kitchen table, looking out at the stormy night while waiting for that very last boat to come in through the Narrows—their dad’s.

You’ll laugh or cry, but you won’t be bored as Grandpa Pike rollicks his way through his wins and losses on topics as diverse as pets, religion, annoying people, the good old days, hockey, graduation, airport bars, lawyers, doctors, and the three scariest words to an old-fashioned man—scarier even than “hold my purse.”

Need a good read? Serve up some pea soup for your soul! This is a timely book; some readers might want to curl up right into the title alone.-- The Telegram --
Just as there are dozens of bowls of hearty soup to ladle from a deep boiler before the bottom is reached, there are dozens of stories to read before you get to the end of Grandpa Pike’s Pea Soup collection...B’ys, have a sallow of pea soup. It fills the belly. It warms the soul.-- Harold Walters - Book ReMarks --
Pea Soup is comfort food, although in Newfoundland it’s also sort of like Forrest Gump’s box of chocolates: you never know what you’re going to get till you put a spoonful in your mouth. Grandpa Pike’s stories are kind of like that. Unpredictable, somewhat frightening at times, yet oddly comforting. You’ll laugh or cry, but you won’t be bored as Grandpa Pike rollicks his way through his wins and losses on topics as diverse as pets, religion, annoying people, the good old days, hockey, graduation, airport bars, lawyers and doctors.-- Atlantic Books Today --

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