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A Baby Whale Ventures North

A Baby Whale Ventures North

Flanker Press


16.95 CAD

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The North Atlantic Ocean is home to a wide variety of wildlife. Whales, dolphins, fish, and seabirds are just a few of the creatures that live in or near the sea. Join a humpback whale calf as she discovers many new sights and sounds during her first summer in the waters surrounding Newfoundland. Though the world around her constantly changes, one thing remains the same—her mother is always by her side!

“There’s a lesson to be learned about symbiosis in this whale tale. . . . Whale tales are famously popular. Just ask Herman Melville’s ghost. Baby Whale obviously isn’t Moby Dick but, nonetheless, Samantha Baker’s yarn pasted . . . on a background of her Momma Dawn’s illustrations will fascinate children and the grown-ups who read to them."-- Harold Walters - Book Remarks --
A Baby Whale Ventures North is the second collaboration for daughter and mother duo, Samantha and Dawn Baker. Author Samantha Baker does a superb job at chronicling the journey of these two majestic ocean mammals! The tale is simple and delightful, tenderly written with a most uplifting message. Baker superbly weaves tidbits of information about the growing calf throughout the entire narrative, invoking excellent opportunities for inquiry and questioning, while at the same time introducing children to the many seabirds, fish and crustaceans that make the North Atlantic their home. The illustrations, by Dawn Baker, are bold, colorful and action oriented and reinforce the theme that all living things have needs supported by our adult caregivers, our mothers. They present wonderful opportunities for young children to interact with this Science themed book. I particularly enjoyed the "Did you spot?" section of the book where readers are encouraged to go back into the text and look for "6 Blue Mussels" , "3 Common Sea Stars", or "2 Common Terns". It is also nice to see iconic Newfoundland images like Signal Hill and, what looks to be, the Cape Spear Lighthouse incorporated throughout. An excellent addition to a home library and school resource centre, A Baby Whale Ventures North is simply a stunning book for the little person in your life. Congratulations, Samantha and Dawn Baker, on another wonderful collaboration!-- Stephanie Collins - Fireside Collections --
Samantha Baker's simple and accessible text provides children with a fascinating look at the lives of humpback whales and their underwater home. The story of this one calf's journey gives readers basic information about humpbacks and their ocean habitat while also conveying a sense of the close relationship between mother whales and their offspring, and highlighting the curious spirit of this particular young mammal. Dawn Baker's fastidious and uncluttered illustrations heighten the book's impact as they bring the creatures and setting vividly to life on the page. With thin black outlines and a rich colour palette, the images are delicate and dynamic. The skillful linework and vibrant scenes provide visual references that will delight readers of any age. -- Lisa Doucet - Atlantic Books Today --

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