Commander Gander goes to Come From Away

Commander Gander loves his job with the town of Gander. He gets to help out with holidays and community events—especially with children! When dozens of planes arrive unexpectedly in his town with thousands of passengers, the Commander goes the extra mile to help out. He does everything he can to comfort and entertain hundreds of kids. Now, as a reward for his hard work, Commander Gander travels to New York City to see a very special musical called Come From Away. It turns out to be an incredibly exciting and rewarding experience—one that leaves our hero even more grateful that he gets to work with and care for children every day!
Commander Gander goes to Come From Away is a gentle intro to a dark part of history-- CBC News --
Once again, Dawn Baker has created a beautiful book with her full-page colourful art work which perfectly complements the text. I would highly recommend it for all school and public libraries, not just in our home province but throughout Canada. 9/11 was an earth-shaking event and this book brings it to a young audience without going into the horrific details. For older readers it can be a jumping off point for more in-depth research into the happenings of that day.-- Victoria Pennell, Resource Links --
Commander Gander Goes to Come From Away is a gentle way to tell the story of 9/11 to very young children. It emphasizes the kindness and empathy expressed by the Newfoundlanders and the strong bond between Canada and the United States. Part of Canadian history, this event is a story of great friendship. Reading the story to children may lead to many questions from them about what happened that day in 2001. Each teacher/caregiver should be ready to respond to the children with answers appropriate to the developmental level of the children in their care. Highly Recommended 4 out 5 stars-- CM: Canadian Review of Materials --
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