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The Promise

The Promise

Flanker Press


19.95 CAD

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North Harbour, Newfoundland, 1894

Orphaned at a young age, Erith Lock has a cruel upbringing at the hands of a harsh stepmother. At the tender age of sixteen, a ruthless act leaves her shattered and struggling for survival. When all she has is her word, she makes a solemn vow to three small children. But circumstances drastically change, and the promise could take years to fulfill. She fears it might be better broken. When her past must be confronted, Erith finds herself facing unbearable choices that might cost her everything. Enduring self-doubt pushes Erith to her breaking point. Will she allow hope and kindness to guide her, or will it be safer to remain captive in the grip of her unfortunate past?

It’s challenging to try labelling Ms. Linehan Young’s novels. They contain suspense, mystery, and drama sprinkled with some historical references...The content is suitable for experienced young readers but mature enough for all to enjoy... Ms. Linehan Young’s writing abilities are going from strength to strength and there is no doubt in my mind that great things are in store for her readers with her next book.-- The Miramichi Reader --
A well written story that many will want to read in one night … just because the plot is that good-- Edwards Book Club Reviews --
Using her books as a medium, Ida Linehan Young is obviously creating — recreating? — a world in St. Mary’s Bay and populating it with people readers enjoy meeting, following, and meeting again. Way to go Ida.-- Harold Walters --
Ida Linehan Young.... evokes a time and a place and a strong female lead. She has also well-positioned this book to pilot into a followup. Her knowledge of, and research into, the processes pre-20th century household labour, or the state of the justice system after the 1892 fire, pay off. Linehan Young has an unusual (I think) arc from memoir into historic fiction. But maybe it’s not — she’s all about her people, her place, and their collective memory. -- The Telegram --
I just finished The Promise!! Please tell me Erith will be ok??!! ..The book had me sucked right in !! The last 20 pages or so was like speed reading til that last paragraph. You shifty Author! Punched me...I'm so sad.. Sure hope there's a follow up and she's ok to be with Danol and the kids!! Geezuz your good!! I'm certainly enjoying your books!! I did love The Promise..it had me the whole time, the twists and turns had me all over the place thinking I had it all figured out!!! Great book!!!-- Dion - Reader --
Ida Linehan Young's love for history and storytelling is quite evident in this powerful tale of self-preservation and hope. She skillfully delivers a top notch story with just the right amount of drama, mystery and suspense not to mention a knockout ending.-- Stephanie Collins - Fireside Collections --
This book took me on a great adventure. It kept me on the edge and hanging on as it wound its way along Erith's journey. Ida succeeded in drawing me into the story and kept me guessing at what was next to come. Can't wait to read more about Erith's story. An amazing character and story.-- L Heiser, Goodreads October 23, 2019 (5/5 rating) --
A well written book that was hard to put down. Great details and the story was very interesting and inspiring. Erith strength and determination is to be admired.-- Bernadine Gallant, Goodreads April 30, 2019 (5/5 rating) --
Another fabulous read !!! I couldn't put this one down and when I got to the end... I went straight to Amazon and ordered her next book. Wow !!! I am hooked with Ida's books. Can't wait to read The Liars. -- Michelle Fagan, Goodreads April 23, 2022 (5/5 rating) --

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