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Rig Wives

Rig Wives

Flanker Press


19.95 CAD

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"We live our lives one hitch at a time. Along with that come tears of anxiety and stress when trying to hold it all together. But then there is the laughter and comfort when surrounded by the right people, the ones we have grown close to, who have become our family and friends, our rocks some days: our fellow rig wives. The offshore is not for the faint of heart. The ocean can be a dark and lonely place. Our husbands risk their lives every time they go to work. While some people’s relationships dissolve, others stand tall. Only the strong survive."

Kelly Earle’s husband, who works offshore in the oil industry, inspired her to write Rig Wives. Interviews with other rig wives tell the stories of the women who wait. Their tales of determination, perseverance, and camaraderie, while their husbands engage in one of the most dangerous occupations in the world, are an inspiration to all.

"Listen, rig wives deserve compounded acclamations. So, hats off to them Likely mine's already off."-- Harold Walters - Life on this Planet --
"Rig Wives reveals ups and downs of living the life."-- Joan Sullivan - The Telegram --
"Rig Wives a reminder of faces behind an industry . . . Rig Wives moves from interesting to being of particular value for readers, and for industry executives, when it talks about family life and the moments that will never grab a headline.”-- Ashley Fitzpatrick, Atlantic Business Magazine --
Rig Wives” offers incredible insight into the lives of women whose partners work on offshore oil rigs and is a very open and very honest look at what this lifestyle entails. Earle writes candidly of both the positives and negatives of being a “rig wife” and even offers perspectives from other women and their experiences in this field. Each one is similar in many ways but we also see how differently these families cope with the issues that come with rotation work. Their respective challenges are unique but their fear; the stress and burden of often being a “part time single parent” – it’s something that they share and it creates a bond like no other. It’s very eye-opening. We even get some insight from the “rig kids” themselves. It is very sweet but heartbreaking when they talk about dad missing special occasions, important holidays like Christmas or even their birthday. As a mother, I know how difficult this must be for all involved. The author has done an excellent job of making the material relatable and I appreciate that she’d doesn’t sugar-coat things. She touches on the tragedies and the triumphs and a little bit of everything in between. It is, at times, quite emotional. The writing flows easily, which is what makes this an absolute pleasure to read and I cannot think of anyone who would not enjoy this book. 10/10.-- Nicole Little - Review @ No Shelf Control --
Told with honesty and gratitude, Rig Wives by Kelly Earle is the biographical/autobiographical tale of partners and wives of rotational oil rig workers. Earle provides a candid sneak peak inside the lives of families who are left to to keep the home fires burning while the lure of a lucrative living calls their men to the icy North Atlantic. In an easy to read format, this first time author details her own loneliness, depression, and struggles of adjusting to a part-time husband and Dad while dispelling the many myths encountered from her female friends, acquaintances and co-workers who just "don't get" the lifestyle. The fear and ever present danger of rig life is real, as detailed in the recounting of past tragedies, but experienced differently by different families. In relating both her positive and negative encounters, Earle relates the feelings and experiences of other couples; some who have adapted and live strong healthy marriages and others, unfortunately, who grew apart and were unable to withstand the pressures. Readers will also appreciate hearing from the "rig kids" who provide their own interesting perspectives about having a Dad that works offshore. One cannot help but feel teary eyed when these children recount missed birthdays and holidays. Offshore oil rigs are among the country's most dangerous workplaces that put rig workers at a high risk of injury and death. As I sit here with a cup of tea in hand, the house quiet after another day of "joyful chaos," I can't help but wonder if Jamie is warm in his bed, does he sleep as soundly as he would at home, does he feel safe?- all the little things I take for granted at home and which he is probably wishing for out there. The author does a superb job at relaying the triumphs and tragedies of a life common to many Newfoundlanders and Labradorians. For decades our people have had to leave their families and communities behind to make a living elsewhere. This book provides an interesting perspective by those left behind and is a small tribute to their perseverance and resilience in holding down the fort while maintaining a house and a home.-- Stephanie Collins - Fireside Collections --

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